Dialectics: The algebra of revolution

In order to change the world, we need to have a correct, objective understanding of it. The best way to do this is to have a method that allows you to analyse reality and there is none better than that of the method of Marxism: dialectical materialism. In this talk, Alan Woods will introduce this philosophy, explaining how it is a product of the whole history of human thought.

This talk will be followed by a financial collection to raise important funds to build the forces of communism internationally.

Lista de lecturas


El materialismo dialéctico en ¿Qué es el marxismo? – Rob Sewell

ABC del materialismo dialéctico - Leon Trotski

En Defensa de Hegel [En inglés] - Hamid Alizadeh


Ludwig Feuerbach y el fin de la filosofía clásica alemana – Friedrich Engels

Razón en Revuelta [En inglés] – Alan Woods & Ted Grant

Dialéctica de la naturaleza – Friedrich Engels

Podcast: [En inglés]

La historia de la filosofía - Alan Woods [Español]

Dialéctica: De Hegel a Marx – Hamid Alizadeh
