While many on the left will rightly decry the horrors of imperialism, few truly understand it. From the Ukraine conflict, to the war in Gaza, to the competition between China and the US, imperialism dominates world relations and as such it is the duty of communists to understand it. This talk will provide a thorough
The Communist International was founded by Lenin and Trotsky as a tool of world revolution. Bringing together communist parties across the globe, it was a way to sharpen the theoretical and practical abilities of communists internationally. This talk will trace the origins and early years of the Communist International, showing the need for us to
Para cambiar el mundo, necesitamos tener una comprensión correcta y objetiva del mismo. La mejor manera de hacerlo es tener un método que te permita analizar la realidad y no hay ninguno mejor que el del método del marxismo: El materialismo dialéctico. En esta charla, Alan Woods presentará esta filosofía, explicando cómo es producto de toda la historia del pensamiento humano. Esta charla irá seguida de una colecta financiera para recaudar importantes fondos para construir las fuerzas del comunismo a nivel internacional.
Lenin and Trotsky were the undeniable leaders of the Russian Revolution of 1917. These two great Bolsheviks played a central role in providing the Russian masses with the perspective and tactics they needed to take power. Despite this, a baseless myth is still propagated today, that Lenin and Trotsky fundamentally opposed each other, both politically and