As communists, our task is not simply to discuss the ideas of Marxism in closed circles. In order for a revolution to be successful, communists must seek to reach the widest possible layer of revolutionary workers and youth, and convince them of the need to overthrow the capitalist system. In this talk, we will discuss
In the span of a few short years, the Bolsheviks went from a party that had been decimated by reaction to a shining beacon to the revolutionary masses across the world. Despite the invasion of 21 foreign armies, they won a desperate battle for survival, whilst making huge strides for the working class, founding the first free
Identity politics is a pervasive approach on the left, which seeks to divide people according to their race, gender, sexuality etc. Communists, in contrast, fight for the maximum unity of the working class in their united struggle against oppression. This talk will explain how communists seek to end oppression once and for all by abolishing